To: Gas Fields Commission
I, (insert name) want to see -
1. A 12 month moratorium on Coal Sam Gas Projects.
2. Protection of the Surat, Bowen and Galilee Basins to take precedence over any CSG operation.
3. Protection of our food bowl as electricity cannot provide food and water.
4. Farmers to be allowed to say no to access to mining companies.
5. Farmers are not to be held responsible if cattle or other animal stock damage mining company equipment.
6. Any CSG leaks must be reported within 2 hours to government authorities.
7. For every rogue well and leak, the company needs to pay hefty fines - note that retailers face hefty fines if they sell tobacco products to under age customers.
8. Farmers that lose their Organic status or their property values decline due to CSG extraction within the region to be compensated FAIRLY.
9. CEOs to face imprisonment if an environmental catastrophe occurs (Eg .The BP situation of the US coast) and if people become ill( Eg. Long term effects from Asbestos).
10. Extraction methods to be reported and detailed to the commission.
11. Trained Environment Protection Officers to inspect all wells on a regular basis and to ensure companies are compliant with up to date records.
12. A cost benefit analysis needs to be done before each project is permitted.
13. Protect the 8000 hectare Bimblebox Nature Refuge from 'China First'.
13. Protect the 8000 hectare Bimblebox Nature Refuge from 'China First'.
14. The Commission should consist of knowledgeable and experienced people. (Eg. Peter Ralph, Bob Irwin, Andrew Bartlett).
Kind Regards
(Insert Name)
Kind Regards
(Insert Name)
PS Protect our food bowl and water supplies for future generations. There will be food shortages in the future as the world population heads towards 10 billion people. Don't let the Surat and Bowen Basins become infertile - our children and all future generations rely on us to make the right decisions today. The CSG will be there in 12 months time. Ensure the practices are safe first. Don't risk it, PLEASE!!!!
Submissions have closed now. If you still want to have your say write to the Premier Newman or the Environment Minister Andrew Powell. Plus there is the epetion calling for a 12 month monotorium at