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Thursday 13 December 2012

Protect Bimblebox and the Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve

No mining on the Steve Irwin Reserve or the Bimblebox Nature Refuge Petition

The reason why I started the petition stems from my research into mining activities after I saw on the ABC news late last year the farmers protesting in Brisbane.  They were protesting Coal Seam Gas activities.  City folk always come to the aid of farmers in times of drought and flood, so I decided to investigate.

 Then came a long a documentary ‘Bimblebox’ which contained insights into the CSG industry.  After seeing what happened in the Hunter Valley and Ackland. I started looking into other mining activities.  What I found out was that TAX PAYERS money through the National Reserve System Program under John Howard used $300000 to assist the buyers into setting up the Bimblebox Refuge.  The program also gave $6 million dollars to enable the establishment of the Steve Irwin Reserve.  So my question to the politicians is “if these areas are granted significant sums of money, which would indicate that they had significant environmental value – why are they allowed to be mined?

 In my opinion if the Queensland Government allows mining on the Steve Irwin Reserve it will be a desecration to Steve Irwin’s memory.  To put it another way it would be like taking the Arthur Beetson statue at Lang Park and using it as a piƱata. Plus if they were allowed mining at Bimblebox (the best example of co-existence between nature and agriculture) it will just show that the Queensland LNP Government doesn’t care about the environment. 

My responses to Mr Cripps reply to the petition I organised calling for ‘No mining on the Steve Irwin Reserve or Bimblebox’. 

1.      Mr Cripps stated that Queensland voters entrusted the LNP to grow a 4 pillar economy - The majority of Queenslanders, 50.34% of voters voted for someone else, yet due to our electoral system they won in a massive landslide.  Just check out the Electoral Commission Queensland Website - http://www.ecq.qld.gov.au/ 

2.      Mr Cripps believes that mining will drive economic growth and prosperity.  I would hope he would have a rethink on this one – the unemployed aren’t taking these jobs.  They just take away from other industries, so these industries then struggle.  Plus the tourism industry will be adversely affected if the Great Barrier Reef loses its heritage listing.  The tourism industry has 6 times the jobs than coal.  In Gladstone the fishing industry was destroyed by the construction of ports to export csg and the coal.  It is just a time bomb waiting for an Exxon Valdez or a New Orleans BP disaster to occur on the reef.  Then where will we be?  

Then there is the fact that $554 million dollars in coal royalties have been paid to private individuals and firms, not the state government.  This is because on some land prior to March 1910, the rights were granted to the land holder.  So in some circumstances the miners pay themselves the royalties.

Plus the mining industry enjoys a Federal Rebate of 38 cents a litre on diesel.  I wonder how much this amounts to.  These dollars could be used for hospitals.  Plus then there are the extra costs in health caused by uncovered coal trains and coal dust swirls.

3.      Mr Cripps stated that at the state election the LNP committed itself to protecting Cape York’s iconic natural areas and areas of high conservation value, balanced with appropriate economic development.   I say the LNP can’t be trusted.  They have back flipped on commitments on Uranium Mining - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-22/qld-government-lifts-uranium-mining-ban/4326912 , CSG developments west of the Condamine River(hence Hooper left the party) and here on the Sunshine Coast they made a big deal over the Caloundra South Development.  Plus there is the removal of Alex Douglas from the Ethics Committee.

4.      Mr Cripps states objections to the grant of a mining lease are referred to the Land Court.  Does he know how much it costs to go to the Land Court?  Around $80000 for a full hearing of the court.  That might be loose change to him. 

5.      Mr Cripps states just because Alumina’s has gained ‘Significant Project’ declaration doesn’t imply the Government’s approval of, commitment to or support the Pisolite Hills Project.  I suggest that the LNP’s 4 Pillar policy would suggest they whole heartedly support it.  Plus there is the Premier’s comment , ‘Mining is our business’  - If I have misquoted him let me know.

6.      Mr Cripps states that for the Pisolite project would need Commonwealth approval.  Well that doesn’t mean much when the Federal Government is looking at dumping their environmental responsibilities and handing them to the States.

7.      Mr Cripps stated ‘Mining within a Nature Refuge is limited by the conditions imposed under an EA, issued by EHP under the EP Act. Any resulting EA is conditioned to provide appropriate protection of environmental values of the area as well as rehabilitation requirements.’  Well if Mr Cripps can show me anywhere else that mining's been rehabilitated to its former glory that would be a first.  Plus I believe there is a lack of monitoring and if Mining Companies get caught breaching conditions the fines are like a slap on the wrist.  What’s $5000 when you earn your overseas multinational company billions?

For Your Information – Make sure if you care about issues you speak up.

 Mr Cripps email - nrm@ministerial.qld.gov.au

 At present Terri Irwin has petition 1966-12 Stop Mining on the Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-assembly/petitions/e-petitions  You can sign this petition up til 11th of March, 2013.  Note - Queenslanders only can sign this petition

To find out more on Bimblebox go to – www.bimblebox.org plus take a look at the Documentary

 Great books to read are ‘Richland, Wasteland’ by Sharyn Munro and ‘Dirty Fracking Business’ by Peter Ralph

Plus earlier this year I ran a petition for the Australian Senate - Don't UnderMINE the National Reserve System Program via www.communityrun.org  It was tabled by Larrissa Waters - Queensland Senator
Paul Dawkins

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